
The slack channel is a great place to get in touch, leave messages, etc. We used to use IRC but that always required bouncers and znc and a few other things to keep backlog and such. Slack will manage this for us and will also allow for easy sharing of images and videos of your research whenever you like.


It has a bunch of other neat features like app integration and webhooks.


Using a simple webhook we can send notifications to the slack channels associated with our team. Feel free to use the script sendSlackNotification.bash which is located in the group/bin directory to post messages directly into the slack from the AI machines. For example, adding the following to the start and end of your experiment runs would keep everyone up to date on what it happening with your runs:


sendSlackNotification.bash "#experiments" "experiment_bot" "Scott just started running experiments"

#all of your experiment runs

sendSlackNotification.bash "#experiments" "experiment_bot" "Scott's experiments just finished"