Suggested Reading

Feel free to add stuff here!!


GPT-4 as AGI (arXiv, 2023) and language vs thought (arXiv, 2023)

motion planning using graphs of convex sets (Science Robotics, 2023), foundation

QRRT* (IJRR, 2023)

minimizing expected cost until success (TRO, 2019)

deceptive planning (AAMAS, 2023)

AOA* kinodynamic planning (RAL, 2024)

more metareasoning for MDPs (AAAI, 2024) 

task and motion informed trees (RAL, 2022)

time-informed sets for motion planning (RAL, 2021)

adaptive real-time safe trajectory planning (ICRA, 2018)

IRL - BROIL (Neurips 2020)

warehouse planning (IROS, 2023) 

learning action models (ICAPS-24)

mult-robot fermat coverage (ICAPS-24)

improving mapf policies with search (ICAPS-24)

bounded-suboptimal bidirectional search (ICAPS-23) 

parameterized graph algorithms (CACM, 2024)

bidirectional search (AAAI-20)

sketches for TAMP (arXiv, 2024)

unreasonable effectiveness of data, old or new or newer

tree of thoughts (NeurIPS, 2023)

resource-constrained planning in humans (nature human behavior, 2022)

autotuning LNS (AAAI-24)

GNNs for CO (AAAI-24)

Graph neural networks for games:

     Artificial Intelligence with Graph Neural Networks Applied to a Risk-like Board Game (IEEE Trans on Games, 2023)

     Multi-Agent Game Abstraction via Graph Attention Neural Network (AAAI, 2020)

Weighting Information Sets with Siamese Neural Networks in Reconnaissance Blind Chess (CoG, 2023) 

heuristic search for multi-objective shortest paths (survey; maybe cites other things that are better to read) (IJCAI, 2023)

bounded-suboptimal game tree search (SoCS-18)

teamwork for CTP (ICAPS, 2023)

LTL+LLMs (arXiv, 2023)

shortest paths with negative weights: old (SAIM J Computing, 1995), better (AppMathLetters, 1993), new (FOCS, 2022)

Action Representation for CCG (CoG, 2022)

Evolutionary algs for CCGs:

     Online Evolution for Multi-action Adversarial Games (EvoApplications, 2016)

     Evolution for Hearthstone (Knowledge Based Systems, 2020)

Building Evaluation Functions for Chess and Shogi with Uniformity Regularization Networks (CIG, 2018)

reclaiming AI for cognitive science (PsyArXiv 2023)

AutoNav etc on Perserverance (Science Robotics, 2023)

high- vs low-level in suboptimal CBS (AAAI, 2023)

non-holonomic motion planning on a GPU (arXiv, 2023)

New and Surprising Ways to Be Mean (CIG, 2018)

Monte Carlo graph search (CoG, 2022)

hierarchical portfolio search for a strategy card game (AIIDE, 2015)

nested MCTS for interactive POMDPs (IROS, 2022)

conflict optimization (JEA, 2023)

must-expand in multi-objective search (SoCS, 2023)

financial planning (ICAPS, 2023)

DRL for algorithm discovery (Nature, 2023)

lookbehind beam search (arXiv, 2023)

Diverse Beam Search: Decoding Diverse Solutions from Neural Sequence Models (AAAI, 2018)

Beam Search Strategies for Neural Machine Translation (cs.CL, 2017)

Speculative Beam Search for Simultaneous Translation (EMNLP, 2019)

Beam search for learning a deep Convolutional Neural Network (ICPR, 2016)

human metareasoning (Psych Review, 2017)

blindfolded motion planning (IJRR, 2023)

adapting models in open worlds (arXiv, 2023)

dropout as Bayesian prediction (ICML 2016)

learning to estimate search effort (CoRL, 2017)

learning heuristics (LoGC, PMLR, 2022)

learning graph algorithms (NeurIPS, 2020)

statistics for planning (arxiv, 2022)

lazy incremental search (arxiv, 2022)

learning dead-ends (AIJ, 2017)

guiding space in motion planning (arxiv, 2022)

planning to avoid (AAAI, 2022)

explanation in oversubscription (AAAI, 2020)

multirequest route planning (TransITS, 2022)

computer Diplomacy (Science, 2022)

Identity uncertainty:

Identity uncertainty

Practical Markov Logic Containing First-Order Quantifiers with Application to Identity Uncertainty

Bayesian filtering for location estimationw

A Transferable Belief Model Approach to Combat Identification

Heuristic Search Value Iteration for One-Sided Partially Observable Stochastic Games

learning progress states (IJCAI, 2022)

two beam search papers from CPAIOR-20 

selecting heuristic per expansion (PRL, 2022)

partially observable pathfinding (PRL, 2022)

learning node selection for suboptimal MAPF (IJCAIJ, 2021)

bayesian anytime motion planning (ICRA, 2020)

explainable pathfinding (ICAPS XAIP, 2022)

bounded-cost bi-objective heuristic search (SoCS, 2022)

anxiety-sensitive planning (ICAPS, 2022)

diversity and decision-making (PNAS, 2021)

planning under biases (EC 2017) video

RL for classical planning (ICAPS 2022)

learning state and action abstractions for bilevel planning (RLDM, 2022)

motion planning via rounding convex programs (arXiv, 2022)

navigation as planning+learning+side info (arXiv, 2022)

inverse RL + planning (arXiv, 2022)

EfficientZero (NeurIPS 2021)

protecting protected groups (AAAI, 2021)

simplicity and inequity in ML (EC 2019 2 pages + 20 min video and long version)

LPA*-GLS(arXiv 2021)

kinodynamic replanning (arXiv 2022)

voroni planning (arXiv 2022))

affirmative action (FAccT, 2021)

human bounded-rational planning (psyArXiv, 2021)

consistent bidirectional search (ICAPS, 2021)

learning almost-admissible heuristics (ICAPS PRL, 2021)

multi-goal planning (ICAPS, 2021)

euclidean pathfinding (AIJ, 2022)

adaptive sampling and backward heuristics for motion planning (arXiv, 2021)

asteroid avoidance (JACM, 1994)

graph isomorphism (CACM, 2020)

anytime stochastic task and motion planning (arxiv, 2021)

LTL + rewards (AAAI, 2022)

task and motion planning (IJRR, 2021)

temporally-Contingent Planning (PlanRob, 2021)

avoid reopenings in suboptimal search (AAAI, 2021)

temporally disjoint paths (IJCAI-21)

review of comb opt with graph NNs (IJCAI-21)

FocalSIPP (ICAPS, 2020)

SIPP (ICRA, 2011)

Synthesis Heuristic for Video-game Pathfinding (COG, 2021)

linear-space bidirectional search (ICAPS, 2021)

feature-space search (CoG, 2020)

multi-robot task and motion planning (IROS 2021)

scalable rail planning (SoCS 2021)

distributed reverse oracle (SoCS 2021)

learning theories of decision-making (Science, 2021)

planning with submodular objectives (arxiv, 2020)

Learning reward with adversarial policy (arXiv, 2021)

Using experience to improve sampling-based MP (IROS, 2021)

Multi-Modal Motion Planning (IROS, 2021)

search-based MP in high dimensional space (IROS, 2021)

active learning for LTL motion planning (RSS-21)

Fast-PPCP (SoCS 2021) (have not yet found PDF)

Generalized Conflict-directed Ordering (SoCS 2021)

metareasoning for safety (r2aw, 2021)

approx novelty search (ICAPS, 2021)

Considering Others In RL (arXiv, 2021) 


Conservative Heuristics for Motion Planning (ICAPS, 2021)

Motion Planning Using Bundles of Edges (ICRA, 2021)

Pruning LSS in real-time search (IJCAI,2017)

NN for real-time search alg selection (AIIDE, 2017)

waypoint planning networks (CRV, 2021)

Homotopic Visibility Graph Planning (arXiv, 2021)

motion planning with transformers (arXiv, 2021)

distributional RL for Multi-agent (ALA, 2021)

importance sampling in RL (ML, 2021)

GBFS and novelty (ICAPS, 2020)

oversubscription planning (ICAPS, 2019)

heuristics for motion planning (TRO, 2021)

MuZero Unplugged (arXiv, 2021)

Sampled MuZero (arXiv, 2021)

robot design (ICRA, 2021)

A* Sampling (NeurIPS, 2014)

papers from ICRA-21 workshop on ML for motion planning

something on Winograd schemas, such as WinoGrande (AAAI, 2020)

Inverse RL for behavior-aware motion planning (IROS, 2019)

AlphGo Zero for Autonomous Vehicle (T-IV, 2019)

Dubins TSP (IEEE TAC, 2008)

watchman routes using heuristic search (ICAPS-20)

project debater (nature, 2021)

Spatio-temporal Semantic Corridor (RA-L, 2019)

Driving Corridors (Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2017)

Experience-driven Random Trees (RA-L, 2021)

vital edge (InfoProfLetters, 2001)

k-simple paths (ICALP, 2005)

learning BnB policy (AAAI-21)

manipulation among movable objects (arXiv, 2021)

ML for Decreasing State Uncertainty (JAIR-20)

NLP with Fruit Fly's brain (ICLR-21)

Learning Symbolic Representations for Planning (JAIR-21)

probabilistic goal recognition (NeurIPS 2020)

Tree Size Prediction for DFBnB (IJCAI-13)

Motion planning with DRL(IROS-2018)

learning planning domain models (ECAI-20)

task and motion planning survey (Ann Rev Con Rob Aut Sys, 2021)

planning as spec for RL (ICAPS-20)

reward machines (arXiv 2020)

planning with learned dynamic for continuous control (arXiv, 2020)

Causal Reasoning in Probability Trees (arxiv-20)

Jump Point Search (AAAI-11)

learning models for planning (ICLR, 2019)

Learning Contextual Actions for Search-based Motion Planner (MLPC-20)

estimate return density (UAI-10)

Information-directed Deep RL (ICLR-19)

Logic-Geometric Programming (IJCAI-15)

MAPF with Mutex Propagation (ICAPS-20)

AM-RRT* (arxiv, 2020)

Tree-search with RL(AAAI2019)

logic-geometric programming (IJCAI-15)

learning planning representations (ECAI-20)

Plan robustness vs cost (Keren, IntEx-20)

why are random rollouts superior (AAAI-17)

brain-inspired computing (Nature, 2020)


clairvoyant restarts (AAAI-19)

NN navigation+SLAM (PlanRob-20)

Array programming with NumPy (Nature-20)

Metarasoning for MDP (IJCAI-15)

selecting computations (UAI-12)

Littman paper on goals vs reward functions

guide to budgeted tree search (SoCS-20)

logic when time passes (commonsense, 2020) or maybe even time-situated agents (ACS, 2020)

finding the best arm (ECAI-20)

online alg tuning (ECAI-20)

see WAFR-20 accepted papers

Kostas Alexis ICRA-20 papers

GPT and GPT-2 (??, 2019)

real-time replanning for grasping (RSS-16)

embedding directed graphs (SoCS-20)

learning MDP abstractions for NAMO

space aware reconfiguration

set-theoretic duality in CO (ECAI-14)

traveling thief (SoCS-19)

Tenenbaum, Ellis? on model inversion, program induction

route planning survey (AlgEng 2016)

learning representations for planning (arxiv)

value iteration networks (NeurIPS 2016) or sub-goal trees (arXiv, 2019)

MCTS with continuous action space (AAAI-20)

Optimizing Reachability Sets in Temporal Graphs (AAAI-20)

MAPF+task allocation (AAMAS-18)

safe-reachability in POMDPs (WAFR, 2018)

expected RL vs distributional RL (AAAI, 2019)

interpretable machine learning survey (CACM, Jan 2020)

benchmarking planners (JAIR, 2006)

partially observable online contingent planning using landmark heuristics, icaps-14

planning with pixels (AAAI-18)

oversubscription plan explanation (???, 2019)

Shakey 2016 (RAL, 2017)

top-k paths in uncertain graphs (WISE, 2011)

"go with the winners" (FoCS, 1994)

robot planning survey (Ann Rev, 2019)

see papers from the AAAI-19 PAIR workshop

search space characterization (arxiv, 2013)

learning for tree search (IJCAI, 2017)

learning for TAMP (AAAI-19)

exploration in MABs (Domshlak, AAAI, 2015)

temporal logic and motion planning

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Navigation, Deep Learning for Planning and Reasoning

plan recognition for HRI (JAIR, 2018)

real-time search pathology by Bulitko

sliding tile solving (JETAI, 2017)

new (or old) unreasonable effectiveness of data paper


planning with state constraints (JAIR, 2018)

foresight (IROS, 2013)

explainable AI (AIJ, 2019)

optimal polytime MAPF (RSS, 2018)

hybrid planning with convex optimization (JAIR, 2018)

visibility graphs (IROS, 2004)

RGG (RSS, 2012 or arxiv, 2016) 

recent paper by Josh Tenenbaum on inverting models

Sept 21: the Rust language

concurrency in OCaml

PSPACEness of classical planning

SoCS-18: best and worst case for GBFS

something from AIES 2018
flexibility in STNs (ICAPS, 2018)

unsolvability (ICAPS, 2018)

longest path (arxiv, 2017)

hierarchical FMT* (WAFR, 2016)

transfer of control (IJCAI, 2016)

parameterized complexity

knowledge gradient

open loop tree search (IJCAI 2018)

Steven James and Konidaris, learning portable symbolic representations

scalable route planning (ICAPS, 2018) 

laziness in motion planning

CNNs on ImageNet (CACM, 2017) and commentary

 learning symbols (JAIR, 2018)

learning to navigate (CLR 2017)

EV charging station placement (ICAPS, 2016)

no free lunch

learning to prune dominated action sequences (AAAI 2017)

sampling-based multi-robot planning (ICAPS, 2017)

poly-time planning (ICAPS, 2017)

searching with novelty (ICAPS, 2017)

n-level subgoal graphs (AAAI, 2014)

deep learning tutorial and CACM June '17 vision article 

something from the AIJ special issue on robotics and AI (2017)

challenges for robot planning (AI Mag, 2015)

Charlie Richter and Nic Roy

planning under uncertainty (AIPS, 2000)

heuristics in hierarchical planning (AAAI, 2017)

planning with sensing (AIJ-16)

Ligra (PoPL-13)

external search using sorting vs hashing (IJCAI-16)

transfer of control (IJCAI-16)

planning in atari games (IJCAI-15)

MAPF with kinematic constraints (ICAPS-16)

bandits for learning soccer (ICAPS-16)

controlling multiple quadrotors (ICAPS-16)

watch Leslie Kaelbling's talk on Robotics@MIT youtube channel

robotics overview lecture videos from TUM


Pineda 2014 TR, Humanoids15

IJCAI-16 Goal reasoning workshop

GUST, adaptive- sampling-based motion planning...

real-time 3d navigation for autonomous vision-guided MAVs

tunable and stable real-time trajectory planning for urban autonomous driving

planning with sensing (JAIR, 2012) 

experimental AI methodology (AI Mag 1993)

multirobot navigation with hindsight optimization (IROS 2014)

POND-hindsight (IPPC-2011)



An efficient mobile robot path planning using hierarchical roadmap representation in indoor environment  (ICRA '12)

Planning for Manipulation with Adaptive Motion Primitives (ICRA '11)

Pre-image backchaining in belief space for mobile manipulation (ISRR '11)

Approaches for Heuristically Biasing RRT Growth (IROS '03)

Optimal control of nonholonomic motion planning for a free-falling cat (AMM '07)